St Luke's is a Church of England parish church where, on a good day, everyone can be themselves, however they might describe their faith. Or lack of it. We aspire to be a community which is inclusive and accepting, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, background or belief.
Want to know more about St Luke’s? How to get married, baptised or buried? - Tina is our church administrator. For our community’s latest news click here.
What’s on at St Luke’s
Lent & Easter 2025
Our Mother. Our Father. in Heaven. On Earth.
A Sunday morning (11am) series of talks for Lent offering a different take on The Lords Prayer, including:
Brain surgeon Nick Thomas on ‘Deliver us from evil’ (March 9)
Writer Lamorna Ash on ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ (March 16)
Director of think tank Theos Chine McDonald on ‘Our Father/Our Mother…’ (March 23)
‘Bad Christian' vicar Dave Tomlinson on ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done…’ (March 30th)
PANCAKE PARTY / Tues 4 Mar 5-7pm
LENT STUDY GROUP / Tues 11 Mar - 15 Apr 7-8pm
‘Sabbath as Resistance’ led by Rev Paul & Denise with soup & bread from 6.30pm
CRAFT & CHAT / Thurs 27 Feb - 10 Apr 12.30-3pm
no experience needed & all materials provided, with soup lunch
Sun 30 Mar & 27 Apr from 12.30pm
Holy Week Services
PALM SUNDAY / 13 Apr 11am
TENEBRAE / Thurs 17 Apr 7pm
EASTER VIGIL / Sat 19 Apr 11.15pm
Services & Prayers
Our main Family Service is on Sunday at 11am.
(See Lent calendar above for the special guest speakers over the coming month)
On the first Sunday of the month, we hold a Celtic prayer service, inspired by The Iona Community - Wild Goose Resource Group, Wee Worship Book Fifth Incarnation. Please note there’s no communion at this service.From Monday to Friday join us on zoom for morning prayers, sharing a liturgy from the Iona Community
Soul Food group for 21-35s who meet fortnightly on Mondays from 7-9pm
On the First Sunday of the month members of our choir and congregation, led by our music director Justin Butcher sing at the 9.30am chapel service at HMP Pentonville. If you would like to find out more email Justin.
Community Events
Yoga with Vikki 6.30-7.30pm, churchTuesday
Vox Holloway Choir 6.30-9.30pm, church (term time)Wednesday
Voices Singing Workshop 8-9pm, church (term time)Thursday
Yoga for Wellness (beginners) 10.30-11.30am, hall (term time)Saturday
Garden Club join us in the main garden on the first Saturday of the month from 11-2pmSunday
Community Lunch from 12.30pm held on the last Sunday on the month, all welcome!
Climate Action
Each week in our newsletter members of St Luke’s Eco-Group share Climate Action Top Tips - ways we can all contribute to make a positive difference in this time of Climate Crisis. Click on the green circle to read some and if you’d like to receive our newsletter fill in your email address below.
We are an Eco Church
In 2018 we were awarded Bronze Eco Church Award and we’re now working towards Gold.
(Watch this space!)
St Lukes is a FairTrade church
All our tea, coffee and sugar is fairtrade and we use recycled paper, tissue and towels and eco cleaning products whenever possible.
Student Christian Movement
We are a Student Christian Movement link church, supporting the aims of SCM.
Safeguarding is of utmost important at St Luke’s. We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Sheena Cruse who can be contacted via email. Alternatively, the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted at or on 020 7932 1224. Safeguarding advice and helplines can also be found on the Church of England website