The Way of Empathy

A Talk by Nat Ayewah
Click here to read

In February 2025, the gospel reading was from Luke 6:27-38 (The Message translation) and our second reading was a poem, Love and Fear, by Michael Leunig.

Nat Ayewah talked about The Way of Empathy: 'A modern reading of this passage might be that in the face of conflict, we should be aware of and in control of our emotions, we should walk in the shoes of our aggressors, and we should relate with and influence our disagreeable neighbors.’

Heaven in Ordinary

A Talk by Malcolm Doney
Click here to read and here to see Red Herring

In December 2024 we unveiled the painting ‘Red Herring’ at St Luke’s, a work commissioned in honour of the Rev Tim Pigrem who was vicar of the parish of St Luke’s West Holloway for more than twenty years until the early 1990’s.

 We also invited Malcolm Doney, the painter of Red Herring, to speak in our morning service.