How come in Church we only ever hear the gospels of four men in Palestine 2,000 years ago? What if we heard a reading from a Fifth Gospel, from the stories of the people sitting next to us? The woman who gave up her child for adoption. The gardener who notices God in the roses. The gay man shunned by his children. The atheist who found he'd become a believer. What if we heard from The Gospel According To Everyone? Every few weeks at St Luke's one of the readings in our morning service is from the Gospel of our own community and twelve of these stories have now been published in a small collection, The Gospel According To Everyone. With layout and design by Rob Pepper, accompanying each story in the book (and e-book) is a portrait by the artist Meg Wroe. If you're at St Luke's in the next few weeks you can buy a copy after a service (£5) but if you're not you can buy The Gospel According To Everyone online at or in the iBook Store.
Short stories of faith and doubt, of love and longing, if you've ever been part of St Luke's, West Holloway in north London you might recognise these people ... and if you haven't you may recognise them anyway.