Many people find their way to St Luke’s through the saddest of circumstances –planning a funeral for a loved one. Others have found comfort in the love and support of people at St Luke’s during the dark time after losing a friend or family member.
As a church, we often include opportunities during regular services to remember and give thanks for people we’ve loved and lost – perhaps through lighting a candle, saying a prayer, or the shared experience of communion, which symbolically gathers together all people, both living and dead.
However, once a year there’s a special service dedicated to those who’ve departed this world. All Souls Day (also known as the Commemoration of All Faithful Departed) falls on 2 November. St Luke’s will be holding its All Souls service the next day, on Sunday 3 November, at 4pm. It’s an opportunity to pray for departed souls, give thanks for those we’ve loved, and light a candle in their memory. Their names will be read out as part of the service.
The service is particularly popular with people who’ve attended funerals at St Luke’s in the preceding year, but anyone is welcome to attend, and some people make the journey every year.
If you’d like the name(s) of your loved one(s) to be read out at the service on 3 November, you can fill in a form (which you’ll find at the back of the church) and pass it to Pat Tomlinson. Alternatively, if you’re not a regular at St Luke’s, you can email your request to We look forward to welcoming you to the All Souls service to remember those you’ve loved and lost.