Here at St Luke’s, we think church is much more than services and singing. We’re a community that likes to support one other, and socialise together.
On the third Sunday of most months, after our 11am service, there’s an opportunity to enjoy a meal together (and this Sunday is extra special because we are celebrating St Luke's day). The main church space is transformed into a dining hall, and we gather together to relax and chat over a hearty lunch. It’s a great chance to catch up with friends, get to know new people, and find out what’s going on in each other’s busy lives.
The next church lunch is on 18 October, and you’re invited. You can contribute a pudding if you wish, or there’s an opportunity to put a donation in the pot afterwards to cover costs. There’s always plenty to go round, and veggie options are available (if you have any dietary intolerances, let us know in advance and we’ll try to cater for you). Our lovely volunteers are already planning the menu.
Talking of volunteers, if you enjoy church lunches, please consider helping out to ensure it run smoothly. Extra hands are needed for kitchen prep (before the service), setting up, and clearing up afterwards (now much easier, thanks to our new commercial dishwasher). Please email if you can help out (or just roll up your sleeves on the day).
Good food, good company and good conversation – what better way to spend Sunday lunchtime?